…mountains are to be scientifically considered as weights which have to keep the balance of the crust of the earth and, then, keep it firm without being crushed or destroyed through centuries, during which equilibrium remained steady despite the high pressures which fell down on the interior of the earth and the sweeping slow currents which carried weights [46]
We can trace many verses in The Holy Qur’an that likens firm mountains to pegs that keep the earth's balance. Here are some of them:
سورة النحل آية 15
And He cast on the earth, firm mountains, lest it
shake with you,
and rivers and ways, so haply you will be guided, [47]
And We set the earth firm mountains
lest it should shake with them … [48]
سورة لقمان آية 10
He created the heavens without pillars
you can see, and He cast on the earth
firm mountains, lest it shakes with you, [49]
Set We not therein soaring mountains?
Sated you with sweetest water? [50]
Have we not made the earth as a cradle
and mountains as pegs? [51]
The comparison of firm soaring mountains to pegs that keep the balance of the earth lest it shakes with us, is a highly scientific fact which is mentioned in The Holy Qur’an more than 1400 years ago. It could not have been mentioned, so long ago, except by the Mighty Creator of the earth, the universe and all living creatures.
Dr. El-Fandy, in "Cosmic Verses in The Qur'an", comments on this scientific fact saying:
After the advancement made by civilization and after
geology has became a factual subject, it has been
discovered that without mountains the solid crust of the
earth would have been generally unstable as a result
of the continuity of disequilibrium between the molten
interior of the earth and the high pressures fallen on
its solid crust and the denudation factor it is exposed to.
سورة الإسراء آية 37
And walk not in the earth exultantly; certainly
thou wilt never tear the earth open, nor attain
the mountains in height [52]
The Literary meaning of this verse is: do not walk on earth proudly for you shall never pierce the earth or your length will never be as high as roaring mountains two impossibilities. God wants to say to man do not be proud, but walk on earth with your real length.
But Dr. El-Fandy, in his book "Cosmic Verses in the Qur’an” provides us with a new scientific explanation. He says:
[46] "On Cosmic Verses in the Qur'an", by Dr.M.J. El Fandy
[47] Chapter 16 verse 15
[48] Chapter 21 verse 31
[49] chapter 31 verse 10
[50] chapter 77 verse 27
[51] chapter 78 verse 6-7
[52] chapter 17 verse 37
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