God is He that looses the winds, that stir up clouds,
and He spreads them in heaven how He will, and shatters them;
then thou seest the rain issuing out of midst of them [56]
Dr. El-Fandy comments on this verse saying that:
"….. stratus clouds -form by a moist air current which ascends gradually into a single layer or stratum in the atmosphere to form a single sheet - or separate sheets –within the stratum and hence the name stratus clouds." [57]
The Greatest Scientist par excellence differentiates between "stratus clouds" and "cumulus clouds". We have seen how He describes "stratus clouds", and the following example denotes what we call "cumulus clouds". He says:
Hast thou not seen how God drives the clouds then composes them
then converts them into a mass,
then thou seest the rain issuing out of the midst of them?
And He sends down out of heaven mountains, wherein is hail,
so that He smites whom He will with it , and turns it aside
from whom He will;
well-nigh the gleam of His lightening snatches away the sight [58]
Dr. El-Fandy, in the same book comments on the formation of "cumulus" clouds saying:
A cumulus cloud is formed by the appearance in the sky of
several small cells of clouds. Sooner or later, every two or
more cells combine together to form the growing cumulus,
which develop and accumulate vertically to great heights
(10-15) kilometers. Hence the name cumulus clouds.
These two verses precede science with more than 1400 years, for they differentiate between the formation of the two types of clouds. Dr. El-Fandy, in the same book, comments on this scientific fact saying:
According to cloud physics- or even by direct photography-
it has been made clear that the mode of formation and
development of one type differs from that of the other type.
After this short exposition, one would ask who had informed prophet Mohammed- may God's prayers and peace be upon him -so long ago about an ultra modern scientific fact about the formation of clouds? It could only have been said by the Creator of these clouds, as well as, of everything else in the whole universe. Again, who had told him that cumulus clouds are like huge mountains that are spread vertically, while stratus clouds are spread horizontally? Again, who had told Prophet Mohammed that hail is formed inside cumulus clouds!!!
سورة الحجر آية 22
And We loose the winds fertilizing,
and We send down out of heaven water,
then We give it to you to drink, and
you are not its treasures…….. [59]
Ancient people knew that winds fertilize plant, but who had ever dreamt of winds fertilizing the clouds!! But now we come to know that it is a scientific fact:
In order that rain might fall from the nimbus clouds,
winds must continue to supply (or seed or even fertilize) the clouds with:
1) Water - vapor necessary for condensation and 2) nuclei of
condensation which have affinity to water, or absorb it. On these nuclei rain drops or ice crystals develop according to the prevailing
temperature. [60]
What is really astonishing is that The Holy Qur’an always connects rainfall with sending winds. Dr. El-Fendy, says the winds are:
…the basic factor if not the first factor which stirs clouds,
seeds them with nuclei of condensation, and accumulate
them in the sky to rain. [61]
If anyone had said that the wind carries the clouds that are charged with water vapour, people would have said that he was mad. But this scientific fact is written in the Holy Qur’an 14 Centuries ago. We read in the Holy Qur’an, beside the previous verses, what means:
God is He that looses the winds, that stir up clouds.[62]
It is He who looses the winds, bearing good tidings
before his mercy,
till, when they are charged with heavy clouds…. [63]
سورة البقرة آية 164
and the alteration of night and day
and the ship that runs in the sea with profit
to men, and the water God sends down from heaven
therewith reviving the earth after it is dead
and His scattering abroad in it all manner of
crawling thing, and the turning about of the winds
and the clouds compelled between heaven and earth
surely there are signs for a people having understanding.[64]
To explain all this scientifically, Dr. El Fandy says:
…. It is established now that rainfall is accompanied by the process of the rise of the air upwards by convergence or convection or similar factors. Later, air gets cold due to expansion… when air expands, it occupies greater volumes as a result of the low pressure, which takes place in the higher strata of the atmosphere. its temperature drops automatically at the expense of the energy of its particles, and vice versa. When air gets cold, its ability to carry water vapour drops too. The continuation of this process, i.e. the continuous climbing up to the higher strata of the atmosphere and self-refrigeration, makes it too feeble to carry water vapour.[65]
[56] Chapter 30verse 48
[57] "Islam and Science”, Book VII, by Prof. Dr. M.G.El-Fandy.
[58] Chapter 24 verse 43
[59] Chapter 15 verse 22
[60] "Islam and Science", book V, by Prof.Dr.M.G.El.Fandy
[61] "On Cosmic Verses in the Qur’an" by Dr. M . J. El-Fandy
[62] Chapter 35 verse 9
[63] Chapter 7 verse 57
[64] chapter 2 verse 164
[65] “On cosmic verses in the Qur’an “ by Dr. M.J. El Fandy
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