The article "Quran and the Geological Science" was originally taken from the article "Quran and Science", website:, May 2008.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011



Hydrogen, the universal gas, is the origin of existence. Dr. El Fandy, in his book, "On Cosmic Verses in the Qur’an", says that the "evolution of the universe was accomplished by a series of steps or developments accompanied by the gradual concentration of the universal gas by gravity, before it could take the form of, nebulae, galaxies, stars or planets."

In chapter 41 verses 9-11, The Holy Qur’an gives us an image that confirms this scientific discovery:

سورة فصلت آيات 9 -11

Say: "What ,do you disbelieve in Him who
created the earth in two days, and do you
set up compeers to him? That is the
Lord of all Beings.
And He set therein firm mountains over it
and He blessed it, and He ordained therein
its diverse sustenance in four days, equal
to those who ask.
Then He lifted Himself to heaven when it was
smoke, and said to it and to the earth, "come
willingly, or unwillingly! " They said,
"We come willingly"
Chapter 41 verses (9-11)

What is amazing is that this verse shows the fact that all heavenly "bodies floating in the sky had begun in the form of a gas .This fact was almost endorsed by all theories of astronomy, whatever differences there were in details[9]."

This verse shows that everything in the universe obey "willingly" God's orders. God's fixed physical laws enable man to gain knowledge and deduce theories by careful observation of the seen universe.

God, at His will, reveals to man some of His knowledge at the time and place He wishes. The All-Knowing says, in this respect.

سورة البقرة الآية 255

And they comprehend not anything of this  knowledge
save such as He wills
Chapter 2 verse 255

Dr. El Fandy, goes on saying, in the same book, that "it is admitted that the big units in the universe or galaxies, go far away from each other with high speed. Thus the universe increases in size or expands. The more galaxies go far away, the quicker their release in the limitless space will be."

God, the Almighty, has mentioned this scientific fact in The Holy Qur’an.

 سورة الذاريات الآية 47
And heaven-We built it with might,
and We extend it wide.
Chapter 51 verse 47

We have come to know that the universe due to the receding of its galaxies expands beyond the range of magnifying glasses. It is estimated that there are in the universe about one hundred thousand millions of galaxies* that are widely separated from each other. While other scientists say that there are billons of galaxies in the universe this gives us an idea as to the infinity of the universe; and how these galaxies float in complete harmony.  This fact denotes without any doubt that a Mighty Power operates them according to a very accurate system, and this Mighty Power cannot be but God.

What is really interesting is that while galaxies recede beyond seen limits "new ones gradually show up”, made of the same material as the old receding ones i.e. universal gas. “Such a gas strangely enough does not become extinct at all and its quantities in our seen universe do not diminish. Hence scientists query: from where does such gas come? Does it come from infinite space, in continuous succession, to replace the shortage in its quantities lost in the formation of new galaxies? Or does it come from a hidden place? Or is it being created?
Most of the clues and scientific evidences prove that the gas … is created."[10] We cannot but repeat with Allah in chapter 5 verse 17.

    سورة المائدة
For to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens
and of the earth, and all that is between them,
creating what He will. God is powerful
over everything.

In The "Holy Qur’an ", the eternal miracle of God, God speaks about the creation of the universe and the earth, He tells us in “chapter 21"verse 30:

سورة الأنبياء آية 30
Have not the unbelievers then beheld
that the heavens and the earth were a mass
all sewn up, and then we unstitched them
and of water fashioned every living thing?

This verse indicates that the whole universe was originally a single entity. In science , scientists came out with a theory called "The Big- Bang Theory" which as Dr. El Fandy says that it is "a theory of cosmology in which the expansion of the universe is presumed to have begun in primeval explosion" [11], and that all galaxies were then "condensed together in an extremely limited space of unimaginable density." [12]. Then suddenly "this condensed mass exploded and formed an unlimited number of clouds and dust which with the passage of time developed into galaxies receding under the power of explosion.”

The Big Bang theory reveals the following principles:

1)      Scientists say that "the part of the universe that we actually observe represents the Entire cosmos." [13]
God says in "chapter 35" verse 43:

سورة فاطر آية 43  
And thou shalt never find any changing
the wont of God,
and thou shalt never find any altering
the wont of God.

Hence, if God's laws and order are fixed and unalterable, then the specimen which we can detect by putting it under observation could be a representative pattern for the whole.

2)      The Holy Qur’an, a very long time ago, tells us that the universe expands and its origin was a big mass and by God's order it exploded and formed the galaxies that exist in the universe:

سورة الذريات آية 47
And heaven we built it with might
and we extend it wide
Chapter 51 verse 47

God also says:

 سورة الأنبياء آية 30

Have not the unbelievers then beheld
that the heavens and the earth were a mass
all sewn up, and then we unstitched them.
Chapter 21 verse 30

These two quotations from The Holly Qur’an show that the whole universe was “all sewn up" and God has ordered this mass to be "unstitched" i.e. explode. That is how galaxies had been formed and started moving away from one another.

3)      Scientists say that the universe must have a finite age, yet the end of the world yields only to God's will.

Dr. Maurice Bucaille says:

Thus the stars have a life of their own and modern
astronomy classifies them according to their present
stage of evolution. The stars also have a death; in the
final stage of their evolution, the violent implosion of
certain stars has been observed so that they become    veritable  ' corpses'.

4)      "According to the general theory of Relativity, the geometry of space is affected by the presence of matter in it, and traveling in space is thus accomplished in curved lines”.[14]  The Holy Qur’an refers to this effect by the word "yaaruj" i.e. to move incurved lines:

 سورة سبأ – آية 2

He knows what penetrates into the earth, and
what comes forth from it,
what comes down from heaven, and what goes up to it [15]
He is the All-compassionate, the All-forgiving.
Chapter 24 Verse 3

5)      "Galaxies would eventually fall back together as soon as they start moving slower than some critical velocity of escape.” [16]

To this effect God says in The Holy Qur’an:

سورة الأنبياء – آية 104
On the day when We shall roll up heaven as a scroll is rolled
for the writings; as We originated the first creation,
so We shall bring it back again -a promise binding on Us;
so We shall do
Chapter 21 verse 104

[9] “On Cosmic Verses in the Qur’an”, Dr. El Fandy,
[10]  “On Cosmic Verses in the Qur’an” by Dr El Fandy.
[11] "Islam and Science " Book 5, by Dr. El Fandy
[12] "Islam and Science " Book 5, by Dr. El Fandy
[13] "Islam and Science " Book 5, by Dr. El Fandy
[14] ‘Islam and Science’, book V  by Doctor El Fandy
[15]  This means “yaaruj” which in Arabic means to move in curved lines.
[16] ‘Islam and Science’, book V by Doctor El Fandy

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