As we have seen , the universe is expanding due to its evolution from a big-bang billions of years ago: yet, eventually after this stage of expansion " the entire universe will collapse and shrink by gravity into limited space as it happened to be at the beginning of creation.' [17]
The Holy Qur’an endorses this theory. In Chapter 21 verse 104 , God says:
سورة الأنبياء - آية 104
for the writings; as We originated the first creation,
so We shall bring it back again - a promise binding on Us
so We shall do.
سورة النحل – آية 77
To God belongs the unseen in the heavens
and in the earth.
And the matter of the Hour is as a twinkling of the eye,
or nearer.
Surely God is powerful over everything.
Glory be to Him , to whom belongs the
Kingdom of the heavens and the earth
and all that between them is; with Him
is the Knowledge of the Hour, and to Him
you shall be returned.
And in "Chapter 79" verses 42-46 God addresses Prophet Mohammed saying:
سورة النازعات – الآيات 42 - 46
They will question thee concerning
the Hour, when it shall berth.
What art thou about, to mention it?
Unto thy Lord is the final end of it.
Thou art only the warner of him who fears it.
It shall be as if, on the day they see it,
they have but tarried for an evening, or its forenoon.
Scientists have given us an image of how the universe will come to an end. They say, as I have mentioned before, that the velocity of all galaxies will be reduced and eventually they will shrink into a limited space, instead of the infinite space in which they swim now with extreme velocity, which enables them to move away from each other with great speed. This shrinking of galaxies into a very limited space would give us an insight as to how scary and awe inspiring the image could be. This terrifying image is stated in The Holy Qur’an in various verses to frighten man that he might come to his senses and worship God as properly as He should be worshiped i.e. with love, fear and hope of everlasting salvation.
Some people would ask when the Hour would come? I tell them it is very soon; at least the hour of each one of us would be at his death, which we can never tell (when it could be). In this respect God says in "Chapter 22" verse 55
And the unbelievers will not cease
to be in doubt of it, until the Hour
comes on them suddenly, or there shall
come upon them the chastisement of
a barren day
And in "Chapter 75" verses (6-12) God says:
سورة القيامة الآيات 6 -12
asking "when shall be the Day of Resurrection?"
But when the sight is dazed
and the moon is eclipsed,
and the sun and the moon are brought together,
upon that day man shall say, " Whither to flee?"
No indeed; not a refuge!
Scientists say that when the sun expands and its extreme heat catches the moon, the earth's temperature will exceed 100 oC, hence it will not be available for any kind of life to prevail. What is really amazing is that in "The Holly Qur’an" in "Chapter 54" verses (1-2), God states:
The Hour has drawn nigh: the moon is split.
Yet if they see a sign they turn away, and they say
"A continuous sorcery!"
In "Chapter 36" verses (48-53) God says:
They also say; "when shall this promise come to
pass, if you speak truly?"
They are waiting only for one cry to seize them
while they are yet disputing,
then they will not be able to make any testament
nor will they return to their people-
And the Trumpet shall be blown, then behold, they are sliding down
from their tombs unto their Lord
They say, "Alas for us! Who roused us out of our sleeping place?
This is what the All-merciful promised and the Envoys spoke truly”
It was only one Cry, then behold, they are all arraigned before us
We stand in awe as to how the Holy Qur’an, 1400 years ago confirms the modern scientific idea that the whole universe will shrink into a limited space. In "Chapter 39" verses (67-68) God states:
سورة الزمر الآيات 67 - 68
They measure not God with :His true measure,
The earth shall be His handful
on the day of Resurrection, and the heavens
shall be rolled up in his right hand,
Glory be to Him! High be He exalted above
that they associate!
For the trumpet shall be blown, and whosoever is in heavens
and whosoever is in the earth shall swoon ,save whom God wills.
Then it shall be blown again, and lo they stand beholding
On Doomsday the picture will be terrifying and awe inspiring. God says in "Chapter 52" verses (9-11) :
سورة الطور الآيات 9 - 11
Upon the day when heaven spins dizzily
and mountains are in motion,
woe that day unto those that cries lies.[18]
In "Chapter 56" verses (1-6) God describes to what extent the terror will be at Doomsday, saying:
سورة الواقعة الآيات 1 – 6
When the Terror descends
(and none denies its descending)
abasing, exalting ,
when the earth shall be rocked
and the mountains crumbled
and become a dust scattered,
And in "Chapter 69" verses (13-17) God says:
سورة الحاقة الآيات 13 - 17
So when the Trumpet is blown with a single blast
and the earth and the mountains are lifted up
crushed with a single blow,
then, on that day , the Terror shall come to pass,
and heaven shall be split, for upon that day it
shall be very frail,
and the angels shall stand upon its borders, and
upon that day eight shall carry above them the
Throne of thy Lord.
To what extent people will be scared and frightened, God describes their state of terror in "Chapter 70"
verses (8-14):
verses (8-14):
and the mountains shall be as plucked wool-tufts,
no loyal friend shall question loyal friend, as
they are given sight of them. The sinner will wish that he
might ransom himself from the chastisement of that day even
by his sons, his companion wife, his brother, his kin/ who
sheltered him, and whomsoever is in the earth, all together
so that then it might deliver him.
And when the Blast shall sound
upon the day when a man shall flee from his brother,
his mother, his father,
his consort, his sons
every man that day shall have business to suffice him.
God makes it very clear that Doomsday or the Hour happens only at His will. In "chapter 99" verses (1-8) God the Almighty says:
When the earth is shaken with a mighty shaking
and earth brings forth her burdens,
and man says, "what ails her?"
Upon that day she shall tell her tidings
for that her Lord has inspired her.
Upon that day men shall issue in scatterings to see their works,
and whoso has done an atom's weight of good shall see it
and whoso has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it.
[17] Islam & Science , book V
[18] those who do not believe in God